Preliminary pompom

Preliminary pompom

preliminary pompom Testing the velvet-suitability of a mystery silk. As I reach my first goal of having enough bobbins to weave a small test of velvet, it’s time to look up from the lathe and consider the other elements still needed to weave velvet, starting...
Grain store

Grain store

grain store Stockpiling carving experience for future use. The piles of wood shavings have continued growing, and the hour(less)glass has made me further consider how they can serve as a log of the time, process and materiality involved in the bobbin production....


hour(less)glass Finding ways to track time without using time. As the number of carved bobbins slowly increases, I’m noticing both an intense yet reluctant focus on time. There is a heightened awareness of time as I carve the bobbins, not in its steady passing,...
Making waves

Making waves

sharpening waveforms Sharpening tools to make velvet patterns. Today was the first time I needed to sharpen my tools. I haven’t done it before, and I’m so dependent on my lathe chisels that I went into it with a lot of trepidation.  I had started shaping a...
Bobbin prototyping

Bobbin prototyping

bobbin prototyping_01 The first experiments in making a velvet bobbin. As I start mapping out the beginnings of this project I recognised a need for some “materiality” to ground myself, something physical to grasp alongside the theoretical foundations I am...